
Quick Tip – Removing adhesive residue from glass

Whether it is the remains of an old tax disc holder or the stubborn imprint left by parking tickets, adhesive residue can be a pain to remove if you don’t know how.

The first step is to protect the surrounding area, particularly the dash top. We recommend placing a microfibre over the dash to stop overspray from marking it.

Next, take a microfibre – it doesn’t need to be anything special, something like THIS will do perfectly. You will need a solvent-based tar and glue remover, such as Gtechniq W7  or Power Maxed Tar & Glue Remover will work fine. You will also need appropriate PPE, namely some gloves and safety goggles plus possibly a mask if working in an enclosed space.

A short pile microfibre works best on glass, reducing the amount of streaking and lint left. Spray your chosen tar and glue remover onto the cloth, and then wipe gently onto the affected area of the glass. Be careful not to get the solution onto surrounding plastics.

The first application will likely make the adhesive spread all over and look worse than when you started but don’t worry, repeat the process using a clean side of your microfibre, and bit by bit you will see the adhesive is removed.

Once you are happy with the finish, use a clean microfibre and some glass cleaner, like Autoglym Fast Glass, to remove any residue of the tar and glue remover – it will also help reduce the smell left by the solvent.

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